Technical requirements

Minimal dependencies

To use all SaltOS features to the maximum, the system that accommodates the software should comply with the following requirements:

  • Web server: Apache, Cherokke o Nginx
  • PHP 5,2 or higher: PHP 7 and HipHop are also supported
  • Support for MariaDB, the new MySQL really free, or SQLite3:
    • 2 drivers for SQLite3 using: PDO Class and SQLite3 Class
    • 3 drivers for MariaDB (MySQL) using: PDO Class, mysqli_* functions and the old mysql_* functions
  • Extra support for other databases:
    • 2 drivers for SQLServer (MsSQL) using: PDO Class and the mssql_* funcions
  • Support for GD2 from PHP (php-gd).
  • Support for processed XSLT (xml php-xml).
  • Support for byte multy-byte (php-mbstring)

Extra dependencies

With this, the system can work fully, but there are features that require the use of executables that are found in other packages, as:

  • unoconv: to turning documents of multiple formats to PDF using OpenOffice 3,0 or superior for the online PDF viewer
  • soffice:
  • pdftotext: to convert PDF documents into plain text to be indexed in the database
  • text2wave: to convert plain text into audio for the voice notification system
  • lame: to convert wav to mp3 and then, reduce bandwidth used
  • apertium: make translations between pairs of languages
  • aspell: make text corrections
  • which: to locate the required binaries
  • pdftoppm: to convert PDF documents into images to be processed by tesseract.
  • convert: to convert images to other popular image formats.
  • tesseract: OCR software to extract text from images.
  • timeout: to control the time used by the commands.

XML lines
PHP lines
JS lines
XSLT lines
CSV lines
CSS lines