This application lets you keep track of all expenditure incurred within the company.
List of expenses
In the list of expenses you will find the most important pillars of registration:
- Ref.: Numeric code that identifies spending.
- Company: Where there has been company spending
- Date: Date on which the expenditure was performed
- Base (*): Monetary amount before taxes.
- Total (*): Total amount of expenditure.
- Liq.: Determines whether the expense is paid. The unsettled expenses are marked with red background.
- Date liq .: Settlement date of expenditure.
- NV: Number of maturities introduced for this expenditure.
- Account: Account where this expenditure is counted.
(*) At the end of listing the sum of these columns is included, note that the result only includes the visible columns per page.
Listing Options
On each record. You can perform a series of actions that are represented by the following icons:
- Check / Edit / Delete Record.
- This action will lead to the creation of a new record using data selected.
This list also features the following:
- Export the list of all expenses to a file in Excel format.
- Liquid selected expenses indicating the date hereof.
Filter Options
For more information about the filter options listed in the ayuda general.
Options graphs and statistics
In this tab you can view statistics on expenditures last year.
Expense Form
This is the application of expenses, it may add, modify and view all monitoring data classified in different tabs: main data, attachments, maturity, data on the registry modifications, ...
Data Tab spending
In this tab you can view and modify the main elements of expenditure. Here we relate all information fields.
- Count (*): Account where spending is counted.
- Heading (*): Economic activity to which the expenditure was linking.
- Search: Search providers.
- Customer: To tell the client that link spending.
- Supplier: Supplier name where there has been spending.
- Project: To link the project that has been done spending.
- N. Fac .: Number spending bill.
- Date (*): Date of expenditure.
- Description (*): Description expenditure.
- Base (*): Amount of expenses before applying applicable taxes, calculated by the application field.
- VAT rate (%) (*): Percentage VAT.
- Total (*): Total amount of expenditure.
- Income tax (%) (*): Percentage of personal income imposed.
- Payer (*): Selector to indicate who has paid
- Liquidated: Selector to determine whether the expense is paid.
- Payment (*): Selector to determine the form of payment used.
- Date Liq .: Settlement date of expenditure.
(*) Required when creating or modifying an expense Campos.
Attachments tab
For more information about the filter options listed in the ayuda general.
New Files Tab
For more information about the filter options listed in the ayuda general.
Maturities tab
In this tab you can create different maturities to settle spending.
Registry Data Tab
For more information about the filter options listed in the ayuda general.