How to use the latest version of MariaDB 10.5.8 and Mroonga 10.11 in Debian Buster
MariaDB, Mroonga, Debian
Josep Sanz
The follow lines explain how to install MariaDB 10.5.8 with Mroonga 10.11 in Debian Buster, for this you must install the MariaDB and Groonga repositories, I also put some links with documentation of what will be explained below:
The saltos.org website already has an SSL/TLS certificate
SSL/TLS, Lets Encrypt, HTTPS
Josep Sanz
We have activated the SSL/TLS certificate that allows you to access the saltos.org website using a secure communication protocol.
This certificate is courtesy of Let’s Encrypt, a project that aims to deliver SSL/TLS certificates to all websites in order to create a more secure and privacy-friendly website.
Change of DDNS from NO-IP to Duck DNS
Free Software, GNU, DDNS
Josep Sanz
This night, we have updated our DDNS system that we are using in the SaltOS Project, we have migrated the service offered from the NO-IP to the service offered by Duck DNS.
The main difference is that in NO-IP, the configuration application must be accessed every 22~23 days to renew the service. They send automatically an email before de end of the service to reminder the renew action, but on some occasion we have not received this email and the service has been blocked, losing access to the demos…
Open Letter about the free software
Free Software, Octave, GNU
Josep Sanz
I have long wondered if I do well doing free software or if it is simply a way of doing the idiot.
For some people, making free software is giving away work and knowledge, but by this, if we do not make knowledge free, then we will be promoting a society where only those who have money can access to the knowledge, from my thought, totally wrong, although many people promote this type of things without knowing what they are promoting.
Is a lot of curious, when you have children, then we teach…
We are preparing the new SaltOS's release
CSS, Desktop, ThemeRoller, Screenshots
Josep Sanz
We have upgraded to the latest versions of the jQuery-3.1.0 and jQuery-UI 1.12.0 libraries. With this upgrade, we have rewrited the themes system and now, it's more easy and more customized. We hope that you like it.
Details of the new SaltOS's release (r8126)
Screenshots, New release
Josep Sanz
This new release appear after one year of work and as always, also brings new features such as those described below:
Bug fix:
As always, a new release, you must correct the detected faults, both by developers and by users.
In this regard, they fixed some internal errors caused by the new indexing system and new control functions of records that caused sometimes data is not correctly show.
It has also arranged a fairly rare error that occurred only in versions of Google Chrome on mobile…
Previews has been added in the favorites application
Josep Sanz
After several months without publich improvements, we return to the activity with a new feature for the favourites application: the previews.
Thanks to the wkhtmltoimage program, and using the xvfb-run command, SaltOS can now generate previews of the websites stored in the favourites application and display them in a new tab. Now, access to a favorite is the easiest action of the world.
Details of the new SaltOS's release (r7680)
MariaDB, Google, Tesseract, New release
Josep Sanz, Jordi Company, Andres Díaz
This new release comes after nearly two years of work and as always, also brings new features such as those described below:
Bugs correction:
As always, a new release, you must fix the detected errors, both by developers and by users.
Updating third-party libraries:
Also updated to the latest versions all third-party libraries to have as current as possible and above code, free of security breaches, as far as possible.
Processing text using Tesseract OCR engine:
This feature allows…
Transparent access (login) to Google API v3
Login, API, Google
Josep Sanz, Jordi Company
From the November 17, 2014, the access to the Google's API v1 and v2 services have stopped working forcing all developers to migrate their code to the new API v3 (https://developers.google.com/api-client-library/php/). In SaltOS, like other applications, we had to make this change and it makes everything work.
Previously, access to the service could be obtained using the user+password for the service account. Currently this no longer works well, but must obtain a token that will allow us to use…
Screenshots of all SaltOS releases
Josep Sanz
SaltOS has experienced several transformations since I began the development. Here I show some screenshots where you can see how it all started...
Installation Guide for installing SaltOS in a free Web Hosting Environment
Josep Sanz
The following explains how to install SaltOS quickly with a free web host:
Access any of the following vendors (there are a lot of other sites with the same benefits, conditions and are still free)
Create a hosting (the first let you have a custom url, but the second does not, they propose other services that are also free)
Access hosting control panel you've created before
Download the nightly…
The ThemeRoller in SaltOS
Josep Sanz
Some time ago I use JQuery-UI to do the user interfaces of my applications. From the beginning, SaltOS has incorporated the 24 themes predefined in the ThemeRoller application.
These themes are practical and the colors are well combined, but I detect a problem in SaltOS: JQuery-UI defines styles for the Header, Content, Default, Hover, Active, Highlight and Error classes (among others) and when I make a list or a menu as in SaltOS, using multiple classes to mark the odd and even rows, to program…
Why use MariaDB instead of MySQL?
MySQL, MariaDB
Josep Sanz
After several business transactions that have led to MySQL from one side to another, finally now owned by Oracle (company dedicated to commercialize other proprietary DBMS). From my point of view (I don't know if this expression is correct in english!!!), these facts have led to the MySQL open source project to live an overall deterioration since this database management system (DBMS) currently offers a very low yield, which is latent in SaltOS when the system has a large number of data.
The tests…
Desktop notifications support from SaltOS
Desktop, Notification
Josep Sanz
Desktop Notifications is a feature defined and used by Google (with Google Chrome and GMail products) for displaying notifications integrated in the user's own desktop when an event occurs.
SaltOS, also adds support to redirect notifications that appear within the application to the user's desktop. For example: when receiving a new mail, a new post or just trigger a calendar alarm, SaltOS shown in the user's desktop a message indicating the event.
Published an article in the journal Todo Linux about SaltOS
Todo Linux
Josep Sanz
SaltOS appears in the publication of March, number 124, of the journal Todo Linux. The article is called "SaltOS: CRM and ERP opensource", written by Arturo Fernandez and leaves us pretty well.
Installation Manual for SaltOS
Josep Sanz
SaltOS is distributed in 4 different packages:
PHP: This package contains the program SaltOS and includes everything necessary to uncompress and unpack the program online. To use this package, please download the package and leave it in a directory on your hosting visible from the Internet. Access the installation file with a browser and the screen "Welcome to SaltOS setup" appear. Follow these steps to install quickly SaltOS in your server.
RPM: This package is aimed at users who…
What is the "error 500: Internal error"?
Error 500
Josep Sanz
The 500 error is an error generated by the server when it encounters an error condition that can not resolve automatically. That is, if a file is not found, the error is 404 (Not found), if you can not lists a directory, the error 403 will be launched (Forbidden). For errors that do not have an explicit definition, will raise the error 500 (Internal error).
This error usually occurs in Apache:
when used in the .htaccess file some unsupported directives.
in some hostings…
Problems with CSS generated using PHP and Internet Explorer 9
CSS, PHP, Internet Explorer
Josep Sanz
After a few months to be with us the new Microsoft browser, Mr. Internet Explorer 9, some visitors saltos.net informed me that the web did not look properly using this browser.
After watching what was happening, detected from the apache logs that requests for style sheets that make Internet Explorer 9, were answered by the apache server itself with an error HTTP 406 Not acceptable (not acceptable).
This portal is developed using the RhinOS technology, which generates PHP style sheets from templates.…
What is Cloud Computing?
Cloud computing
Josep Sanz
The Cloud Computing, also called nuve computing is the term used to discuss the concept of having the applications from the Internet.
To understand the difference between Cloud Computing and the traditional model, explain some parts of the brief history of computing:
At the beginning of the computer, applications running on servers and users operating terminals (also called dumb terminals) and had no specific functionality. Were connected to the server…
What is the difference between POP3 and IMAP?
Josep Sanz
POP (Post Office Protocol) and IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) are two protocols that allow access to mail folders incoming mail server (not allow sending mail). We can refer to POP with POP3 (latest version) and IMAP with IMAP4. These protocols are supported by most existing mail servers.
Advantages and disadvantages of POP3 vs. IMAP4:
The number of transactions is low, which is efficient.
No correlation between the mailing list with the identifiers…
What is the difference between MariaDB (MySQL) and SQLite3?
SQLite, MySQL, MariaDB
Josep Sanz
MariaDB (the new MySQL really free) is one of the management systems relational databases known in the world of free software (in fact, is used to indicate LAMP for Linux + Apache + MariaDB (MySQL) + PHP).
SQLite3 is another management system databases, but oriented embedded applications, used in applications like Firefox, Thunderbird, Android, i and to complete a long list of programs that use it.
The differences are basically that MariaDB (MySQL) is a server that services requests to be made…