
We are preparing the new SaltOS's release

CSS, Desktop, ThemeRoller, Screenshots

Josep Sanz

We have upgraded to the latest versions of the jQuery-3.1.0 and jQuery-UI 1.12.0 libraries. With this upgrade, we have rewrited the themes system and now, it's more easy and more customized. We hope that you like it.


Details of the new SaltOS's release (r8126)

Screenshots, New release

Josep Sanz

This new release appear after one year of work and as always, also brings new features such as those described below: Bug fix: As always, a new release, you must correct the detected faults, both by developers and by users. In this regard, they fixed some internal errors caused by the new indexing system and new control functions of records that caused sometimes data is not correctly show. It has also arranged a fairly rare error that occurred only in versions of Google Chrome on mobile…


Previews has been added in the favorites application


Josep Sanz

After several months without publich improvements, we return to the activity with a new feature for the favourites application: the previews. Thanks to the wkhtmltoimage program, and using the xvfb-run command, SaltOS can now generate previews of the websites stored in the favourites application and display them in a new tab. Now, access to a favorite is the easiest action of the world.  


Screenshots of all SaltOS releases


Josep Sanz

SaltOS has experienced several transformations since I began the development. Here I show some screenshots where you can see how it all started...

XML lines
PHP lines
JS lines
XSLT lines
CSV lines
CSS lines