What is the origin of SaltOS?

In 2007, Josep Sanz Campderrós and Alex Muller founded the company Wide Spectrum Software Solutions (WS3).

SaltOS was created as an internal development to solve its own requirements: the WS3's management

After searching through numerous existing projects, they found that there were several solutions but all had drawbacks:

  • Used servers based on Java technologies, which made complex and expensive to find hosting companies that give these services.
  • The coding was not layered, with HTML, CSS and PHP mixed in the same piece of code.
All this led to consider the development of a custom application using PHP, XML, XSLT and Javascript technology resulting in SaltOS.

From the beginning, an approach to SaltOS over development framework that does not end application and eventually was given, this application was growing and allowing implementation features that make it an implementation of integrated management of the company.

Josep Sanz believed in the philosophy of Free Software and wanted to contribute their bit for the community by releasing the SaltOS and RhinOS projects such as free software under the GPL-3.0 license.

Currently, the company has ceased operation, and Josep Sanz Campderrós, co-founder of the company, continues its own with the development of these free software projects released under GPL-3.0

Any person or company wishing to use our products, can do so without paying any license, initial or annual. This amount represents a cost saving that can be invested in the customization and adaptation of the product.

What is the origin of the SaltOS name?

SaltOS is a trick of words between the sugar and salt.
When the company was created in 2007, sought a solution for managing existing business. One of the premises was the use of emerging technologies and it was supported by most hosting companies such as PHP.
At that time, we only found a software called SugarOS (now called SugarCRM) and after trying, we decided to undertake the adventure of creating a new application that would apply evolutionary quickly.
As the last option we reviewed was Sugar and "sugar" is "sugar" in English, decided to turn around and build the name with "Salt" and "OS" resulting in the word SaltOS, which also has correspondence in Spanish with an existing word.
OS termination is typically used in the operating systems projects, but in our case, the OS termination is Open Source.

What license is SaltOS?

SaltOS is licensed as free software under the GPL-3.0 .

This allows you to enjoy the 4 main freedoms of free software:

  • The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose (freedom 0).
  • The freedom to study how the program works, and change it to do what you wish (freedom 1). Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
  • The freedom to redistribute copies to help your neighbor (freedom 2).
  • The freedom to distribute copies of your modified versions to others (freedom 3) versions. This allows you to offer the community the opportunity to benefit from the changes. Access to the source code is a precondition for this.
In all files that are part of the SaltOS project, you will find the following header:
For more information:

What are the advantages of Free Software?

These are the main advantages of free software:

  • You don't have to pay any license fee or royalty. This leads to significant savings in the acquisition and holding.
  • You are free to use and distribute.
  • The source code is accessible, so you may modify the application to fit your needs. This also guarantees the independence of supplier.
Here are some FAQs related to this topic:
  • Do I have to pay a license to use these products?  No, as our programs are Free Software, you are not subject to any fee or royalty for use.
  • Do the products may have a fee in the future?  No, the released versions can not suffer any change in their conditions.
  • If I modify the programs, I have to distribute the amendment?  No. If you use the program as amended in a private setting or in your own company, you are not obligated to share it with anyone.
  • If I distribute the programs with modifications, do I have to distribute the source code? Yes. The terms of the GPL-3.0 state that any modification being distributed to the public, must provide its source code.

XML lines
PHP lines
JS lines
XSLT lines
CSV lines
CSS lines